Connecticut, Here We Come!

I joined Tide Risers thinking I would meet some new and inspiring women and participate in some interesting skill building sessions. Tide Risers has given me so much more. It has truly pushed me out of my comfort zone on more than one occasion, leading to major areas of personal and professional growth.

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#MeToo and Necessity Entrepreneurship

Women, particularly women of color, are fighting for access to investment capital and are starting businesses at higher rates. Undoubtedly this is a result of a combination of factors, but what's undeniable is that a generation of women whose talent, connectedness, and level of educational attainment has never been higher, will not settle for the grossly abusive and exclusionary practices of the traditional workplace indefinitely.

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The Power of #MeToo

One of the driving concepts behind Tide Risers was the power of being a member of a group designed to bring people together who share life experiences. But how do we ensure that by choosing to spend time with people like ourselves we don’t end up in a cloistered bubble of self-reflection, through which other voices and experiences can’t penetrate?

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Women Uplifting Women: The Accelerators' Initiative

Thanks to the generosity of a small group of women I refer to as the Accelerators’ Initiative, over 20 percent of our 2017 cohort received financial support to enable them to be a Tide Riser. These women have made this commitment with the generosity, humility, and grace that are becoming of the finest amongst us.

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Tide Risers and My Something Big

When I joined Tide Risers, I didn't know exactly what my "something big" would be, but I knew there was an entrepreneur inside of me clambering to get out. Tide Risers helped give me the number one tool I most needed to launch a new business: confidence. 

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The Future Belongs to the Best Storytellers

The internet isn’t always a reliable place. In searching for a leadership definition that would speak to the fullness of the experiences of women leaders in the inaugural cohort of Tide Risers, this quote stood out. Too often leadership was spoken of in relation to one’s title or position in government or in an organization.

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