Women We Admire: Sara Deren

Give us four words that describe you: 

Living my best life.

What was your first job?

My very first job? I made pizza boxes at the Jersey Shore when I was 13 years old. :) My first job out of college was as a software developer. If anyone had told me then that I'd one day run a non-profit organization for grieving kids, I never would have believed it.

What do you do now? 

I'm the founder and CEO of Experience Camps, a national non-profit organization that transforms the lives of grieving children through free, one-week summer camp programs. I am the mom of 3 kids and a dog. I'm the wife of my favorite person. I strive for balance and settle for chaos. I laugh a lot and cry occasionally.

What are you watching/reading now?

I'm watching Away on Netflix. I just finished reading The Lions of Fifth Avenue.

What inspires you?

People who do things that matter.

What is one intention you have for the next three months?

To find my flow. I feel very scattered right now. 

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