Women We Admire: Ivana Tagliamonte

Since entering real estate two decades ago, Ivana Tagliamonte has become a top-producing broker with an excess of $500 million in closed transactions. She has been recognized as one of Manhattan’s Top 100 Agents as well as a top national team ranked by the Wall Street Journal. Her reputation has made her a commentator on NY1 News and HGTV’s Selling New York, as well as a speaker at national and international real estate conferences.

As a disciple of positive psychology, Ivana has discovered her true calling is to empower others to become happier and more fulfilled. Originally from Italy, she is the proud mother of two children, ages 11 and 7. Her passions include travel, paddle boarding, and gardening and she is a self proclaimed professional beach goer.

Give us four words that describe you: 

Optimistic, Extroverted, Industrious, Idealist 

What was your first job?

Mr. Donut!

What do you do now? 

NYC real estate broker. 

What are you watching or reading now?

Watching My Octopus Teacher.  Reading Think Like A Monk by Jay Shetty. 

What inspires you?


What is one intention you have for the next three months?

To write a new business plan.

Tide Risers