Retreat for Mothers at Shore Hall

Shockingly, this is me and my girls over ten years ago. What a wild ride it has been!

Mothering is probably the hardest job on earth, and it's made harder by a lack of investment in mothers' mental and emotional health and well-being. Mothers need to take time to step away from the demands of their daily responsibilities, focus in on themselves, and let someone else take care of them for a change.

That's why we're offering a retreat for mothers at Shore Hall in March 2024.

Mums, you deserve this.

A weekend of blissful relaxation in luxury accommodations with no responsibilities, no meals to prepare, and no small people to negotiate. A chance to get back in touch with yourself, sleep late, eat well, and enjoy the company of like-minded women.

The retreat will take place within the 16th-century manor house and grounds of Shore Hall, an idyllic 22-acre estate nestled in the blissful quiet of East Anglia in the United Kingdom. Days will include guided mindfulness walks in nature, chef-prepared meals, and options for Reiki and massage therapy, morning breathing exercises, therapeutic gardening, and an innovative coaching technique that uses horses as a resource to help you relax and restore yourself.

You will leave feeling refreshed, recharged, and ready.

Registration will open on December 11, and we request that you book as early as possible as spaces are limited and we expect tickets to go fast.

Learn more here, and keep the tide rising!

Lara Holliday