The Unexpected Journey

While I thought my participation in Tide Risers would center around leadership in the workplace, what I’ve found is that is has affected my leadership outside of the workplace. I am competent and efficient at work, often employing skills I never knew I had and mastering them so that I’m challenged in upcoming projects that offer new learning opportunities. I have all of my boxes checked at work and feel really good about my ability to lead and step back so others can share the spotlight.  


Instead, my work in Tide Risers has exposed my need to build leadership skills in my personal life. I've really needed the chance to make joy, stability, and balance the central focus in my life and through some of the values and scheduling workshops, I've been able to walk away with an intentional practice to a balanced life. Right now I try to stick to an 8/8/8 day - 8 hours of dedicated work time, 8 hours of committed play time, and 8 hours of rest time sprinkled with Netflix originals.  

 -Vidya Ragoo, Quality Improvement Specialist, Research Foundation CUNY

Tide Risers