Giving Thanks

I'm going to take you back to March 2020 for a moment -- bear with me. I can't remember the exact date, but I do remember I was sitting up late at night in my home office in a full-blown, fairly uncharacteristic panic. I felt quite sure that Tide Risers, which I had been working so hard to nurture and grow, couldn't survive lockdown.

Our curriculum was designed for in-person events, our members were managing tremendous uncertainty, and no one knew what was coming next. When I finally went to sleep that night it was with a sense of dread. I thought for sure I would have to shut down the business I had worked so hard to build.

But the next day an interesting thing happened. I started hearing from our members, who were wondering when our next gathering would be, and how we were going to make it happen online. Members were telling me that they needed Tide Risers now more than ever.

They were looking for the connection we are able to nurture within our dedicated community. They wanted more of the programming that helps women uncover hidden strengths and overcome challenge. And amidst the fear and uncertainty of the pandemic, they wanted to play a leadership role in their own lives, incorporating intentionality into their new normal.

With the support of my incredible leadership team, we redesigned our programming to make it work in online formats, overhauled our business model to be more streamlined and efficient, and focused our offerings to deliver what our members needed during a time of great turbulence.

I could not have done this without the support of this incredible community that has built up within and around Tide Risers. To those of you who have supported us from the beginning, and especially to those of you who have cheered us on during the past year and a half, thank you. I am so grateful for the community that has come together to help manifest this mission and to live out the promise that a rising tide lifts all boats.

Wherever you are in the world, I wish you a season filled with gratitude, connection, and intentionality. Happy Thanksgiving!

Lara Holliday is a Coach, Creator, and Community-Builder. She is also the Founder + CEO of Tide Risers

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Don’t miss this upcoming event!


In a best-case scenario, holidays are a time of family gathering, joy, well wishes, and giving.

In reality, the holidays can be stressful for so many reasons.

Join Lara Holliday to learn how to better navigate the holidays by approaching them with intentionality. Make your holiday experience more centered, purposeful, and calm.

This event is for Tide Risers Members. If you'd like to register, please contact us!

Lara Holliday