Leveraging Intentionality

Two years into pandemic life, while we're all having very different experiences in terms of how our lives have changed and the adaptations we've had to make, some things seem to be consistent amongst the women with whom I'm talking. I'm hearing from so many of you that what you are seeking is a return to some pretty basic, but critical feelings:

Joy, Presence, Impact, and Purposeful Connection.

So on Monday, I focused our monthly online members' discussion group on setting intentions for 2022, to give members of Tide Risers the opportunity to find more of what they're looking for this year.

I tend to focus more on intentions rather than goals or resolutions, and here's why:

Intentions help us strive toward how we want to BE in this world, as opposed to goals, which help us drive toward what we want to DO in this world. Plus, intentions, when created in a meaningful and actionable way, can be quite effective in helping us find new and creative solutions to long-standing problems. 

We could use more of that in this world today!

Here's what I know to be true: navigating challenge and pursuing a life of purpose and fulfilment requires intentionality.

The Tide Risers flagship program, Leveraging Intentionality, gives you:

√ Guidance and inspiration to do the deep reflective work required for professional and personal growth;

√ A framework to assess and redesign assumptions about who you are and what success means to you;

√ Accountability to keep you moving toward your intentions; and

√ Deep, meaningful conversations with like-minded women in an environment of confidentiality and trust.

In short, Tide Risers helps women learn to play a leadership role in their own lives.

Applications are available now for this year's program, which begins in March. Apply today

Lara Holliday