Lara Holliday, Tide Risers Founder + CEO and Tide Risers Coach

Lara Holliday is the Founder + CEO of Tide Risers, and she is a leadership coach specializing in pupose-driven leaders and teams. Lara leads the many Tide Risers programs and is available for one-to-one and small group coaching.

“Purpose-driven leaders seek out my coaching and advisory services to help find their way forward, determine meaningful goals, and be challenged by an informed and dedicated partner.

My coaching methodology creates a pathway toward creativity and discovery, allowing your best self to emerge, strengthen, and thrive.”


What's your area of expertise?

I serve as a coach and advisor for purpose-driven leaders and teams. I coach individuals on a one-to-one basis and also speak to groups on a range of topics including getting unstuck; finding your ‘Emprise’; entrepreneurship; community-building; and female leadership.

Working with me is a partnership-based journey, involving a highly customized coaching practice to give you just what you need, when you need it.

You can learn more about my practice and background at

What makes your practice unique?

Prior to my entrepreneurial journey of launching Bergen Street Strategy and Tide Risers, my 25+ years of experience have spanned corporate, creative, non-profit, and government agencies. The blend of intuitive, person-focused coaching and tactical expertise I bring to my clients assists them in getting unstuck and moving toward a life of personal and professional fulfilment.

What can our members expect from a working relationship with you?

I base my coaching practice on the Tide Risers Leadership Principles of Abundance, Courage, Ownership, and Accountability. Members can expect our work together to be steeped in those powerful and practicable concepts.

Is there anything else our members should know about you?

I grew up on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. After 25 years of living in New York City, I relocated to London, satisfying a rather relentless sense of adventure. I am now happily living in London with my husband, two daughters, and our rambunctious rescue dog, Rowdy.

coach, executive teamTide Risers